Watch free romantic gay movies

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They’re both very busy.īros was written by Eichner and directed by Nicholas Stoller of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Neighbors, with the recognizably crass touch of Judd Apatow as producer.

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This fall, Universal Pictures proudly presents the first romantic comedy from a major studio about two gay men maybe, possibly, probably, stumbling towards love. Or as Universal puts it in their quirky little synopsis:

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Written and starring Eichner as an influential, gay podcaster, only slightly turned down from his Billy on the Street manic energy, the film looks to tackle modern gay relationships with unflinching honesty, highlighting not “the ways we’re all the same” but instead the ways we’re all unique. We heard not too long ago about comedian Billy Eichner’s Bros, a free-wheeling romantic comedy that was making headlines for its cast composed entirely of LGBTQ+ performers, but the first trailer for the Universal Pictures film (which you can see below) makes it clear that Bros is even more unapologetic and fresh than we’d realized.

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